Re-Read 08.26.13: So much for doing a quick skim of this book (which I just realized I read exactly one year ago, lol) - Luke and Ava sucked me right into their story. I couldn't put it down! In fact, I think I enjoyed it even more this go-around because I've read all the previous books in this series now and I
get why Luke said and did certain things. These books definitely pack a more powerful punch when they're read in order! Now, onto
Rock Chick Reckoning!Original Review 08.26.12"The best way to guard your heart is to trust a good man to take care of it for you."
What a great book! Ava was a fun heroine; sassy and just crazy enough to be a Rock Chick. Like all the Rock Chicks before her, Ava has a problem and she seeks out a member of the Hot Bunch, Luke Stark, for help. She and Luke have quite the history together and she's been in love with him for the majority of that history. It's really too bad she swore off men!
Luke takes one look at her, completely transformed since the last time he saw her, and decides she's the one. The Hot Bunch don't play around -- gawd, they're ridiculously hot!
Top Moments1. All the betting on when Luke would move Ava in, when he'd "give her the business", and then which member of the Rock Chicks/Hot Bunch & friends would be the next to fall. So funny!
2. Good Ava/Bad Ava - Ava's inner-dialogue had me rollin'!
3. Luke telling Ava's mother and evil sisters off.
4. Ava snatching a gun out of a bad man's hand and givin' him a lot of sass. Yes, it was stupid, but trust me when I say she'd had a really long/bad day and was at the end of her rope. Plus, she had plenty of backup had her move gone bad. lol
5. When Ava finally tells Luke she loves him. It was so awesome.
PS. What in the hell is up with Ally & Ren!? Ren was hot for Ava, but there was this weird vibe between he and Ally. Of course, I know from reading [b:Breathe|15742039|Breathe (Colorado Mountain, #4)|Kristen Ashley||21429192] that there's something going on between them. Did I miss it in Rock Chick books 3 or 4? LOL
ScorecardHeroine: 4½ stars
Hero: 5 stars
Plot: 4½ stars
Originality: 4 stars
Steam Level (Scale 1/Low to 5/High): 5 stars
Overall Score: 4.6 stars!
**Warning** This book does contain scenes that can be triggering to those who have been sexually assaulted.