Certified Bed Reader...

...willing to go all night!

Wrong Bed, Right Guy (Come Undone, #1)

Wrong Bed, Right Guy (Come Undone, #1) - Katee Robert Enjoyable, but it felt flat. I didn't like the heroine, Elle, at all. Her snobbish attitude ruined any chance I had of connecting with her. She'd been burned in the past by a bad boy, but unlike other heroines who have similar histories (ie. Tate in More Than Meets the Ink) I felt as if Elle never really redeemed herself.

Gabe. Oh, you handsome, tattooed, bad boy! He's the reason I kept reading until the end. He was just plain awesome. Read this book for him. He was worth any aggravating feelings I had for Elle.

Hero: 4
Plot/Originality: 2
Steam Level (1/Low to 5/High): 4

Overall Score: 3 stars!