I loved Reese. He's definitely the kind of alpha I see lacking in romance these days. He's smart, opinionated, pushy, but he doesn't cross a line in his relationship with Alice. I appreciate that.
I "mostly" loved Alice. She's a fighter. A survivor. I initially didn't remember her from
[b:Trace of Fever|9758736|Trace of Fever (Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor, #2)|Lori Foster|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1291777365s/9758736.jpg|14648051] but it didn't take me long to place her. Her actions a lot of the time were confusing and even bordered on crazy. But I kept asking myself if her reactionary responses to things coincided with that of a woman who'd been through the type of trauma Alice survived. Often, I could say "yes" to this question.
I *lurrrved* Rowdy! He's so dang likable. I found myself being drawn to Rowdy as much in this one as I did in the first book, [b:Run the Risk|13548160|Run the Risk (Love Undercover, #1)|Lori Foster|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1342896418s/13548160.jpg|19113332]. He reminds me of Jackson from Lori's Edge of Honor Series, [b:Savor the Danger|9920151|Savor the Danger (Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor, #3)|Lori Foster|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327941873s/9920151.jpg|14812865]. I just hope Rowdy doesn't disappoint me when his book, [b:Getting Rowdy|13562584|Getting Rowdy (Love Undercover, #3)|Lori Foster|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1365266570s/13562584.jpg|19138230] comes out!
The plot. I don't wanna say
*yawn* because I enjoyed a lot of it, but...okay, I skimmed a few times. It's very similar to Lori's Edge of Honor series.
Really, I enjoyed
Bare It All so much more than the first book in this series! I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a nice romantic suspense.
ARC provided by Harlequin via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review!