Certified Bed Reader...

...willing to go all night!

A SEAL's Seduction (Uniformly Hot!)

A SEAL's Seduction (Uniformly Hot!) - Tawny Weber DNF
Stopped at 21% - can't connect with the heroine at all and not even the hero can save this book. It's just not what I'm looking for right now.
Sinful Southern Ink - S.J. Drum Short and a little spicy. The sex was a little...well...dull for me, lol. I only say that because both scenes were quickies and Jed's pants were never fully removed! And why mention Jed's dominate side & rope then not utilize either in the story? That made no sense to me.

Under the Mistletoe (Lucky Harbor, #6.5)

Under the Mistletoe (Lucky Harbor, #6.5) - Jill Shalvis
Just looking at her, Nick ached. She was a part of him. The very best part.

Tara & Ford's daughter, Mia, is all grown up and ready for love. Under the Mistletoe is a sweet novella that made me smile. It's very short, so Jill wastes no time revealing the issues Mia & Nick face. I really enjoyed this one. It was a nice little visit back to Lucky Harbor and the original characters!

Forever and a Day (Lucky Harbor, #6)

Forever and a Day (Lucky Harbor, #6) - Jill Shalvis Forever and a Day is book 6 in Jill's...wait a second, this is book SIX!? I've already read up to book SIX!? OMG, that means all I have left is book 6.5 and then I HAVE TO WAIT FOR MORE LUCKY HARBOR BOOKS! *sniffle*

Guess it's pretty obvious after my overly dramatic beginning to this review, that Forever and a Day is another fabulous book from Jill Shalvis! Dr. Josh runs a private practice by his lonesome, works in the ER, volunteers when needed, all on top of being a single father and a surrogate father to his 21 year-old paraplegic sister. He's overworked, exhausted, overwhelmed, and somehow still manages to be one supremely sexy McHottie!

Grace is everything Josh needs--and I'm not just talking about a dogwalker or nanny. It may begin that way, but it grows into so much more. Grace becomes, out of necessity at first, the glue keeping the Scott family together. Their relationship progresses slowly, each admitting to an attraction but not wanting it. Josh doesn't have time for a relationship and Grace has no desire to be another doctor's afterthought. But with chemistry like theirs, only time is needed before they succumb. Grace slips so easily into Josh's life, is truly there for him, and this wonderful man falls hard.

Then there's Anna, Josh's sister, who's bitter and resentful. She's struggling with guilt, having been the only survivor in an accident that killed their parents when she was 16. I kept having to remind myself what she must be feeling because it was really hard to like her at moments. Little Toby, Josh's son, desperately wants a mother. Josh tries to be everything for everyone but he knows his family has to come first. I love that he gets that. I love how he decides nothing is worth missing out on the important stuff--and the important people in his life.

Jill has a talent for tearing me up with heart-wrenching scenes and then, not two pages over, I find myself laughing and snorting with glee over something hilarious! It's such a gift to read her books.

Next Up in Lucky Harbor: Book 6.5, [b:Under the Mistletoe|15740038|Under the Mistletoe (Lucky Harbor, #6.5)|Jill Shalvis|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1347559816s/15740038.jpg|21425940]

Bonus Scene (Hopeless, #1.5)

Bonus Scene (Hopeless, #1.5) - Colleen Hoover It's the BEST first non-kiss ever -- in Holder's POV! Ahhh-maaaazeee-ing! ;-)

Thank you, [a:Colleen Hoover|5430144|Colleen Hoover|http://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1333056335p2/5430144.jpg], for letting me know you posted this special bonus scene!

Hopeless (Hopeless, #1)

Hopeless - Colleen Hoover image

Every once in a while, a book comes along that completely floors me. A book that I know, without a shadow of a doubt, will remain with me forever. Hopeless is one of those books. Colleen Hoover takes on a very dark subject matter childhood sexual abuse with a sensitivity that I admire her for. Hopeless is an intricate story with many layers that, as they're revealed, will run you through a myriad of feelings.

Sky & Holder. Absolute perfection. I was captivated by them from the beginning; as individuals and as a couple. I want to gush about them, but if I get going, I fear I won't be able to stop and will reveal too much. Suffice it to say, their story is REMARKABLE. Holder belongs on the cover of SWOONALICIOUS! He's deeply protective of Sky, and as the story progresses, as the mysteries are exposed, I fell more and more in love with him. His unwavering support in the face of what Sky discovers solidifies him as one of my all-time favorite book boyfriends ever! And Sky, beautiful girl, her strength and bravery is really something to witness. The true definition of survivor!

Don't wait to read this book! Get it now and be ready to devote your time to it because once you start reading YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO PUT IT DOWN!
At Last  - Jill Shalvis This review really needs only three words: Ranger Hot Buns! That's it, dears. Run along and get your copy of Jill's At Last now because I know you're asking yourself if the man lives up to his nickname. He does, oh boy does he EVER! Matt's the kind of hero I can get behind (or under, or over, or in front of, or...umm, you get the idea)! It's so easy to fall for him. Love let him down in the past, so he's certain he doesn't want another round with it. That is, until he realizes he's fallen for Lucky Harbor's resident Tough Girl, Amy Michaels.

This series has been a win with every book I read! Jill's writing is so brilliant, so funny, and her characters are real. If you have yet to read the books, what are you waiting for?
Tempting the Best Man - J. Lynn, Jennifer L. Armentrout Jerk.

All appropriate words when describing the "hero", Chase Gamble. I have a few questions for Madison...

1. How could you love such a [insert insult from above list here] for such a long time?
2. Chase treated you like "discarded trash" (your terminology, may I remind you) and yet you melted at his every touch. WHY?!

I get that Chase has issues, but there really wasn't anything that redeemed him in my eyes. When Madison decides to take a stand (a little too late imo), he's so completely clueless. The plot lacked the originality it needed to pull out a win for me.

Despite ALL that, I like this writer's voice. Really, I do. I found myself cracking up more than once, my favorite is when Madison gets a flat tire on the way to her brother's wedding, and calls her dad for help...

"Dad, I'm fine. I blew a tire about ten miles out."
Over the sounds of laughter and clanking silverware, her father huffed. "You did what?"
Her stomach rumbled, reminding her that it was past eleven and she hadn't had breakfast yet. "I blew a tire."
"You blew what?"
Madison rolled her eyes. "I blew a tire."
"Wait. I can't hear you. Guys, can you keep it down?" His voice got a little farther away from the mouthpiece. "Maddie's on the phone and she blew something." The room erupted in male laughter.
Oh. My. Freaking. God.

LOL, that's something that would happen to me! And there were plenty of moments, like that, where the writer's voice really shone. It's the reason I kept reading, and the reason I will read more of this series (and check out her YA books).
An On Dublin Street Christmas (On Dublin Street, #1.5) - Samantha Young image
OH.MY.GOD! I need a specially designed, one-of-a-kind, Braden Carmichael stocking filler! Cute. Super short. Sweet. I love getting to catch up with Braden and Joss! It's nice to "see" how they're doing.
Charade - Nyrae Dawn This is the second book I've read by Nyrae Dawn and, let me tell ya, I will never hesitate to read something she's written. Ever. Never, ever!

In Charade, Nyrae navigates the sometimes beautiful, sometimes tragic ways life serves you lessons. And there's a lot of tragedy between Cheyenne and Colt. They are both so damaged, so beautifully flawed, both in need of the other. I felt honored to witness their growth and deepening love. The scenes with Colt's mother ripped me apart at the seams! I was a blubbering idiot the final 10% of Charade.

I must admit, after the first few chapters, I thought I was reading a 2 star (maybe 3 star) book. However, with every page I turned, I became even more invested in this couple until I found myself unable to put it down! Their romance begins as a game, a charade, but it doesn't take long for it to become real. This book's message is clear: play the hand you're dealt, learn to leave it behind to move on, and know that love--with the right person--can be healing.

Thank you, Nyrae, for penning a book that is forever stamped on my heart.

PS. Colt's best friend, Adrian, is getting his own book, [b:Facade|16150320|Facade (Games, #2)|Nyrae Dawn|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1353081891s/16150320.jpg|21985997], in spring 2013! I.CANNOT.WAIT!!
Rough Edges - Ashlynn Pearce The beginning is a little sluggish, but the second half makes up for it.
A Very Naughty Xmas - Stephanie Julian, Olivia Cunning, Raven Morris, Cherrie Lynn, Cari Quinn Light Me Up by Cherrie Lynn -- 5 Stars!
Grabbed this anthology simply for Cherrie's story, which features Brian & Candace from [b:Rock Me|8135807|Rock Me (Ross Siblings, #2)|Cherrie Lynn|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1273006270s/8135807.jpg|12932079]. OOooOOoohhhh, how I love me some Brian! This is the perfect little story to warm ya on a cold night - so sexy. It's good to catch up with them and see how their life together is shaping up.

NOTE: I haven't read the other stories in A Very Naughty Xmas, and not sure if I will.
Come A Little Bit Closer - Bella Andre By now, you probably know I have somewhat of a love affair going with all the Sullivan hotties (and Sophie's man, Jake, too!). It's really unfair that Bella Andre write such perfect men, because then I just want one for myself and--lets face it--there will never be a man as perfect as Chase, Marcus, Jake, Gabe, Zach, Ryan or...SMITH!

Smith, oh Smith, how I've wanted to crawl into bed with you since book 1. Honey, you did NOT disappoint. I fell in love with all your brothers, but it's you who's a continuous, charming surprise. You're alpha, no doubt about it, but you have this gooey-center that's soooo incredibly sexy. The way you love your family, how respectful and honest you are, your fantastic work-ethic, how you see what you want and go after it without EVER giving up. Valentina is one lucky woman. In fact, I'd be insanely jealous if not for the fact that she's kinda perfect for you. I didn't always feel that way, but as you wove your charming magic aaaaalllllll over her (whew, I just experienced a fully body shiver), I knew I'd end up liking her.

Smith, honey, don't let it go to your head -- and for goodness sake's, don't brag to your brothers -- but I think you're *whispering* my favorite. I know, I say it to all you Sullivans, but dammit, y'all make it so hard for me to choose!

Oh, and promise me you'll round up your brothers and take turns punching the douchebag whose been making Lori so upset for multiple books! I don't know what's going on with your sister, but I don't like it. NOT ONE BIT! No man is worth all that heartache. You tell her that.

The Edge of Never (The Edge of Never, #1)

The Edge of Never (The Edge of Never, #1) - J.A. Redmerski There will be spoilers in my review, but nothing that you don't learn from the characters early-on.

(Edited 12/21/12 to include this picture that reminds me of Cam & Andrew)
To lovers and dreamers and anyone who hasn't truly experienced either.

That quote, from the dedication page of The Edge of Never, caught my eye immediately and I knew, if the book was half as good as its dedication, I was in for a treat!

Cam and Andrew are on a journey, both literally and metaphorically. Cam's running from tragedies that have built up and she's feeling like she doesn't truly know who she is. There's a deep connection I feel with Cam, having also lost my first love to death at 16, so I know the frame of mind Cam's in at the start of The Edge of Never. Something like that can emotionally break you, and has broken Cam. She can't cry, she doesn't dream, she doesn't believe in herself. Cam's also dealing with her parents' divorce, her brother's incarceration, and her best friend's boyfriend who suddenly goes off the rails announcing his desire for her. When she tells Natalie (the BFF), Nat responds with all the hostility you expect from an insecure girl. Cam gets on a Greyhound to Idaho (because they're famous for potatoes, lol) and so her journey begins, and soon she crosses paths with Andrew, who's own tragedies have sent him running...

Not since Tammara Webber's [b:Easy|13548456|Easy|Tammara Webber|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1342983117s/13548456.jpg|19113823], have I been so enamored with a young adult hero. Andrew is that boy--you know the one--who has tattoos, lives life to its fullest, isn't afraid to rough-up bad guys (yes, it happens!), seems like an open-book, but there's something mysterious about the guy that you just can't put your finger on, and OH MY GOD, he's so damn cute (dare I say sexy, yes I dare!), that I can hardly stand it.

Cam and Andrew's relationship begins as a friendship they both really need. Andrew is on his way to Wyoming to see his dying father. Cam is the perfect distraction for him. But once they get to Wyoming, things happen (boy do they!), and their journeys become one.

“If you were to let me fuck you, you would have to let me own you.” - Andrew

There are really two parts to this book. The first half, which I fondly think of as the sweet, sometimes sexy, Greyhound to Nowhere section. And the second half, which I very fondly think of as the OMG Am I Reading the Same Book(!?!?!) section, lol. Cam and Andrew's relationship becomes intimate, and these two are definitely budding BDSMers! Wowza! But besides all the heat, they really have an ultimate road trip with Andrew showing Cam the true meaning of living.

Andrew: “Well, everybody needs help feeling alive again every once in a while.”
“No,” she says seriously, and my gaze falls back on hers, “I didn’t say again, Andrew; for making me feel alive for the first time.”

But let me tell you, J.A. Redmerski pulls out an ending I didn't fully see coming until it was too late. I am not lying to you -- the tears wouldn't stop flowing and, at one point, I was crying so hard I had to put down the book and go to the bathroom to clean up the hot mess I'd become! SO EMOTIONAL, BEAUTIFUL, POIGNANT, ABSOLUTELY BREATHTAKING! The ending is one I will not forget--ever--and, most certainly, is the reason this book places on my best of 2012 list!

"You dwell on the past, you can't move forward. Spend too much time planning for the future and you just push yourself backwards, or you stay stagnant in the same place all your life." His eyes lock on mine. "Live in the moment..." - Andrew

Please, don't let the emotional ending scare you away. I promise I would go through EVERY SINGLE TEAR to get to that beautifully-written ending again.

BTW: I now have a playlist on my iPod named after this book! GREAT MUSIC!!!

Lawless (Aspen #2)

Lawless (Aspen #2) - Cindy Stark This book follows [b:Relentless|14060575|Relentless (Aspen #1)|Cindy Stark|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1337519748s/14060575.jpg|19697522]! Loved that one and hope this one is good too.

*Update* 12/01/12
Finished reading today, and I'm sorry to say it didn't even come close to being as good as Relentless! The plot's very predictable, and the heroine is the definition of TSTL (too stupid to live). One or the other of these things, I could overlook, but both just made for an okay read.

Losing It (Losing It, #1)

Losing It - Cora Carmack Meh. With all the things this book had going for it (hot British hero who rides a motorcycle and a slightly-awkward virgin heroine), I just didn't find myself dancing the dance of a happy reader at any point during it.

Garrett: I liked him. I even enjoyed him. I just didn't want to fall at his feet and beg him to ditch Bliss for me. My tummy did do a little swish every time he called her "love" - it made me think of Gerard Butler in P.S. I LOVE YOU (now there's a man who can elicit a full body swoon from me!)

Bliss: Didn't much care for her at all. For her age, she was too immature and indecisive. Being in her head all the time (the book is first-person POV), I needed to connect more with her, but I found myself skimming a lot just to get to the parts with Garrett. Had the author spent more time with character growth and less time teaching me how to be an actor, I may have enjoyed Bliss's character much more.

Overall, it was an okay read for me; not horrible, not memorable.